„Zu Hause im Salzkammergut“

Kulturtipps von Franz Eisl

Im Zuge „Europäische Kulturhauptstadt 2024” wollen wir auf einige Besonderheiten unserer Alpenregion hinweisen.

№18 Scharnstein
“Hike along the Scythe Trail through the former largest scythe factory of the Danube Monarchy” – the industrial monument and open-air museum Sensenschmiede impressively shows the transition from handicraft to industrial production and the creation of the largest scythe factory...
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№17 Roitham
"Small impressive Traunfall tour" – the so-called Traunfall is located between the two towns of Steyrermühl and Roitham. The waterfall has a drop of around twelve metres and a length of around 200 metres. Due to the gradient, the Traunfall...
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№16 Pettenbach
"Museum visit to the only type museum in Austria" – the Bartlhaus in Pettenbach shows works by Austrian and international calligraphy artists in changing exhibitions, as well as thematic compilations of various bookplates. The attached printing workshop houses unique historical...
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№15 Obertraun
“Hike in the Koppenwinkel, in stunningly beautiful nature at the foot of the Dachstein”- the bubbling springs, the clear streams, the quiet lake, the alpine pasture with its romantic Koppenwinkellacke guarantee an unforgettable tour in an extraordinary nature reserve. It...
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№14 Laakirchen
"Hiking on the Thomas Bernhard Trail" - an easy, romantic hike at any time of year with children and dogs along the Traun River, which sometimes seems very bizarre. Starting from Laakirchen in the direction of Ohlsdorf, past the "Lourdes...
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