
Payment via PayPal Express

You can pay quickly and securely via Paypal Express directly from your shopping cart. To do so, simply click on the "Check out with Paypal" button at the bottom of your shopping cart. You will then be redirected directly to the Paypal website, where you can make your payment securely, even without a PayPal account.

advance payment

Together with our order confirmation, you will receive an invoice for the value of the goods including the VAT rate applicable in Austria (currently 20%), plus packaging and shipping costs. The goods will be dispatched no later than the 5th working day after we have received your payment in full on our account no. 81,000, bank code 35035 (IBAN AT 72 3503 5000 0008 1000, BIC RVSAAT2S035). We do not accept any self-calculated or unagreed deductions from the invoice amount.