Magazin & Laden Traunkirchen

“From home, for home!”

The fascination of slow time at one of the most beautiful Alpine lakes in Europe.

A place of searching and finding. Above all, a place of encounter.

Popular manufactured pieces, mostly from European family businesses.

Predominantly high-quality materials with sustainable added value.

Some surprises from forms of production long thought lost.

Finding, browsing, looking,……

Feel, assess, evaluate,…

The phenomenon of authenticity as food for the soul.

"It is the unity of idea and reality, of head and hand, that allows this artistic creation, and the hand not only obeys the head, but its possibilities significantly influence the product."
Konrad Paul Liessmann in “Education as Provocation”
"It is the unity of idea and reality, of head and hand, that allows this artistic creation, and the hand not only obeys the head, but its possibilities significantly influence the product."
Konrad Paul Liessmann in “Education as Provocation”
Traunkirchen magazine
Hofgraben 1, 4801 Traunkirchen
+43 7617 313 51
Opening hours Mon – Fri 8 am – 2 pm
Outside business hours
Please register +43 664 101 98 29