When the sun withdraws, romantic spirits awaken.

Wenn sich die Sonne zurückzieht, erwachen romantische Geister.

The pleasant light of candlelight has delighted people for centuries. In a subtle cover, well protected from the wind, this pleasure is also possible outdoors. A hand-blown glass cylinder on a robust, fireproof base plate made of hand-turned stoneware, together with a beautiful candle, creates a wonderful aesthetic on terraces, sandy and meadow floors...

Cupola Windlicht Creme
Luce Windlicht Blaugrau
Luce Windlicht Schwarz
Cupola Windlicht Schwarz
Cupola Windlicht Blaugrau
Luce Windlicht Creme

Only for braces
Only for braces
Nature is full of masterpieces
Nature is full of masterpieces
On a new game!
On a new game!
Stylish and robust at the same time
Stylish and robust at the same time